Saturday, July 25, 2015

Did Every Man Really Come From Adam?

2 Timothy 3:1-7 talks about the people who in the last days will become lovers of themselves. They will have a depraved mind never having the ability to come to the truth even with evidence right in front of them.
With this in mind, evolutionary scientists and Judeo-Christian preachers believe the same basic tenant of all people evolving out of just one man. This idea of people loving themselves and rejecting the truth is also supported by Romans 1:22-32, when the truth is exchanged for a lie. The particular lie I am talking about today, is that Father Yahweh created one man only called "Adam" from which all came from. The way they do this, is they teach that Genesis 2 is simply a recap and more detail of the Genesis 1 account.

Adam was limited to the Garden of Eden, God did not let him freely roam about the planet. Who was God protecting Adam from?

When one believes that all men came from Adam, there becomes some serious questions that naturally arise. Some of them they are as follows:

If Adam was the first and only man, then why did God tell man to multiply and replenish the entire earth in Genesis 1:27?

If Genesis 2 is simply a recap of Genesis 1 and it's simply more detail of the Genesis 1 account, then why is the order of creation completely different between Chapters 1 and 2 of Genesis?

In Genesis 4 the Bible states that Adam and Eve had two sons, Cain and Abel. In V.14 Cain states that whoever finds him will kill him. Who are the other people on the earth that will kill Cain if they see him?

In Genesis 4:17 Cain took a wife from the land of Nod and built a city. Where did Cain find his wife and who was he going to build a city for?

In Genesis 6:2 the sons of God married the Daughters of men. Who were the sons of God and who were the sons of men?

Chronology of the Bible shows that Adam was created a little over 6,000 years ago. Chinese written history is well over 10,000 years old, and unwritten archaeological finds in Africa date back well over 50,000 years. How do we explain the differences of history?

If all men came from Adam, then how do you get the different races of man (red, yellow, brown, and black) in such a short span of 6,000 years?

Of course there are other questions also, but I think it's enough for today.

The simplest way to interpret these two Chapters in Genesis is to just read them one after another and they will answer all these questions. When you go into these chapters with a preconceived notion that Adam was the father of everyone, then that is when you start to get into trouble. The division of all the Chapters in the Bible were put in at the discretion of the translators. It's my opinion the proper place to put the Chapter divisions between Chapters 1 and 2 should have been after after Genesis 2:4. You have to remember that both chapters were written by Moses, the same man, at the same time, one right after the other. To think he didn't know what he was doing, when he was being told by God what to write is heresy.

Other information that I think that is worth while knowing is...

Genesis 1:2 states the world was without form and void. The proper word that could have been used is “became” because the word “became” comes from the exact same Hebrew word as “was.”

If you read the orders of creation between Chapters 1 and 2 then you also realize the order differs one from another.

In Genesis 1 the order is: light, waters, dry land, greater light, lesser light, swarms of creatures in the water, swarms of creatures on land, and then God created man from nothing, and told him to fill the earth right away.
In Genesis 2: talks about every plant of the field existing and a mist came up from the ground, and there was no man to till the soil. Then God made rivers to water the trees of the garden. Adam was then formed (from existing material, not created), and Adam was limited to living only in the Garden of Eden with Eve and not everywhere else on the planet. Adam and Eve did not reproduce until after the seduction of Eve.

When Adam and Eve were exiled from the Garden of Eden they were prevented from returning by an angle (Cherubim) Genesis 3:24. One Cherubim angel could destroy entire armies and was easily able to slay 185,000 in one night according to Isaiah 37:36
Are we to believe that the angel's only purpose was to keep only one semi-clad man and woman from reentering the garden?

So now we know:
Man that refilled the earth was Pre-Adamic man.
Order of creation in the first two chapters of Genesis are radically different.
Cain said someone was going to kill him if they were to see him outside of the garden, talking about Pre-Adamic man
Sons of God are a direct line from Adam. 
Gen 6:9 states that Noah was pure in his generations from Adam. If Noah was the only man to survive the flood then this statement and his genealogy become redundant.
Adam's family has only existed for a little over 6,000 years. No Caucasoid remains have ever been found dating much older than this, Pre-Adamic man is very much older.
Then we are to believe that all the races of red, brown, black, and yellow evolved from Adam and Eve in just 6,000 years.

But wait... It gets weirder because they have to account for all the races since Noah's time also.

The Modern Judeo-Christian churches teach that Noah's flood was global and covered the entire planet, including Mt. Everest. If this is true, then this would mean that Noah and his family were living on the edge of space wearing oxygen masks for months at a time. I have heard that they have  evidence that some mountains were originally underwater. I agree all mountains did begin underwater, because the Bible says the world was flooded in Genesis 1: 9 so what would you expect?

Since the time of Genesis 1:9 there have been additional mountains created from the natural movement of the tectonic plates of the earth, for example, India is still crashing into Asia and pushing the Himalayan Mountains upward this very day. If you believe that the population of the world was destroyed during Noah's flood, and Noah's family of 8 were the only ones left, when the Bible states they were pure in their generations; Gen 6:9 then you have to account for the existence of blacks and Asians, and why are so different from whites. Most modern churches still teach the very racist concept of “the curse of Ham.” This concept was popular during the 1800's and was used to justify slavery. 
The truth is that the reason other races have the characteristics of being black, Asian, or any other pure blood race in between, is because that's the way that Father Yahweh made them. It's not because of a curse, an explosion, environmental factors, or because they are evolving into something else. They are what they are and they aren't going to change unless they become racially mixed.

To account for the various races, they specifically claim that Noah's wife had a white, black, and yellow baby. I can assure you that if you are perfect in your generations as Noah, and having a white wife, and then your wife starts having Black and Asian babies then there is something very abnormal and very ungodly taking place.
The truth is that if you study the Bible there is no evidence at all that Noah's flood covered the entire planet. Noah's blood line had to be perfect because that was the blood line through which the Messiah would come.

Only when we realize that Father Yahweh made other races of people and put them here, is only when we can fully appreciate his creation. The claim that all people came exclusively from Adam does not hold water because of the accounts of Genesis 1 and 2 being totally different. If the Judeo-Chrsitians are correct then which one of the two version of creation is correct, because at least one of them have to be wrong, or possibly even both. I am not niave to think that everything I write is correct. I do however want to encourage others to think and study for themselves to come up with their own answers.

I believe both Chapters 1 and 2 are correct. I praise Father Yahweh for being the only true living God!

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Daniel's Beasts, Daniel Chapter 7

To read Daniel Chapter 7 without my comments click HERE.

It's commonly belived among theologians that the four beasts of Daniel's vision in Chapter 7, represent the same nations that are represented by the metals in the statue of Daniel Chapter 2. Because of this, I am going to compare Daniel's vision of the 4 beasts to the statue. These different beasts actually represent the characteristics of the conquoring Adamite/Hebrew/Israelite Nations that would exist from the time of Daniel's vision until the return of the Messiah; Jeremiah 51:20

The first beast in verse 4 is described as being like a lion with eagle wings. This beast was given the heart of a man. Receiving the heart of the man, (Adam) Strong's Concordance #120, is outlined in Daniel Chapter 4. It was King Nebuchadnezzar that received this heart of Adam, as he was at least a descendant of Adam, but probably not an Israelite. The item of antiquity to the left is called Lamassu, the winged bull. Lamassu was a deity that was used for protection. This particular relief is in a British museum and was part of one of the doors to the ancient city of Babylon. This statue has the body of a lion, eagle wings, and a face of a man. I believe that this particular statue represented King Nebuchadnezzar. So, it's also quite possible that the face on this Lamassu is true to life and could be an exact bust of this king. Notice that the facial features strongly resemble that of which we would call Caucasian. 
The Babylonian Empire was the head of gold in Daniel's statue; Daniel 2:32.

The second beast of Daniel 7:5 is described as being like a bear. I have read that some people believe that the second beast represents Russia. This of course cannot be the case. This bear is also described as raising itself on one side. This of course represents both the Medes and Persians as a dual nation. Both these nations did not rise at the exact same time.  A bear is a large lumbering animal that is both slow and very strong. This passage also describes this bear as having 3 ribs in its mouth. This is generally believed to be the nations of Babylon, Lydia, and Egypt that Persia conquered to become a regional super power. Persia, at its height had two and a half million soldiers in its army. The Persians main battle tactic was to overwhelm the enemy with sheer numbers. Persia is the breast and arms of silver in Daniel's statue; Daniel 2:32.

The third beast according to Daniel 7:6 was like a leopard. This leopard is described as having 4 wings on its back and having 4 heads. This leopard perfectly describes Alexander the Great in the way in which a leopard is a very fast moving animal. Alexander conquered the known world by the time he was 29 years old, and he did it in less than 10 years. According to Professor Ian Worthington;  "During his campaigns Alexander was always intent on finding out everything he could about the areas through which he passed. He took with him an entourage of scientists to record and analyse this information from botany, biology, zoology, and meteorology, to topography. His desire to learn, and to have information recorded as scientifically as possible, probably stemmed from Aristotle's teachings and enthusiasm."

Alexander would also bring the best people from the nations he conquered back to Greece to both train and educate them. Alexander also establish public projects such as aquaducts, roads, libraries, and schools. Most times people were way better off under his government than their own.

The lighthouse in Alexandria, Egypt (named after Alexander the Great) was a public works project that was once one of the seven wonders of the ancient world.

Because of Alexanders tactic of winning the hearts of people, the nations to be conquered were literally looking forward to him invading their nations and had to wait their turn in line to be conquered. After Alexander the Great drank himself to death in Babylon at age 32, his kingdom was divided among his 4 Generals representing the 4 wings and 4 heads of the leopard.
The Greek Empire represented the belly and thighs of brass in Daniel's statue; Daniel 2:32.

In Daniel 7:7, Daniel then describes a fourth beast as “dreadful and terrible.” There is no animal in existence which Daniel could compare the actions of this dreadful beast to. Daniel describes this beast as having iron teeth, and destroyed everything it came in contact with. This of course describes the Roman Empire. The Romans were famous for destroying everything they conquered. This last beast (Rome) was never conquered by another nation and never will be. History shows us that the Roman Empire collapsed by internal problems and invading barbarian tribes such as the vandals. What history shows us happened to Rome, is that it was able to regroup itself back into a nation, and the leaders were able to reform into leadership roles throughout Europe with their political and religious beliefs. This is the second phase of Rome, or Rome #2 if you like. Roman influence started coming to the Americas beginning with Christopher Columbus in 1492,
The Roman Empire was the legs of iron in Daniel's statue; Daniel 2:33, and Rome #2 was is the feet and toes of Daniel 2:42-43.
It's my opinion that we are still living as the 4th beast of Daniel 7. We are be seeing prophecy unveiled before our very eyes. During Daniel's vision there were 4 beasts, or 5 if you count the feet and toes of the statue which the Bible talks about seperately, Daniel was most interested in the 4th beast the most and asked questions. The 4th beast is described as having 10 horns. Because I do believe we may be having prophecy unfold now, no one can be sure to represent this passage of the Bible the best they can. Only after the fact is when the detail of prophecy is fully realized. If it wasn't this way then people would be able to change the future by making it either match or stray from prophecy. Although we all have free will, we do know how it all ends.

People like to hear other people's opinions of future events and if I had to guess, and if it's true we are in the absolute final days as I may believe, then the ten horns could quite easily represent the 10 sections of the world that the NAFTA treaty reorganized the world into in 1996. Many aspects of the NWO and the UN have also divided the world into ten sections, so no matter how you slice it, the world is now, and will end up being, divided into ten sections.

There is one horn that will do the talking for the rest of the horns and will subdue three others; V25-28. It's anyone's guess the exact organization of these nations during this time. The 7 remaining Nations could possibly represent something like the G-7 Summit that founded in 1975. The G-7 consist of the 7 major industrialized nations, consisting of: America, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, and Japan. This is only a guess of course. The one horn, which is the mouth piece, will make war with Father Yahweh's saints for 3 ½ years and not 7 years as advertised in most churches, until the end of this time which we call the “time of the Gentiles” (Nations of Abraham) Luke 21:24 until Yashua Messiah (Jesus) returns and reestablishes his Kingdom (the Stone Kingdom) that will fill the earth; Daniel 2:35. Other verses promoting the concept of the horn that makes war against the saints for 3 ½ years, and not 7 years, is Daniel 7:25, Daniel 12:7, Revelation 12:14.

The very last part of the final empire which is the very end of the second phase of the Rome (Rome#2), will consist of a racially mixed people. This came from mixing the Non-Adamite seed with the Hebrew/Israelites preventing them from becoming a full strength people, this is not a statement I made up, but is exactly what the book of Daniel says in; Daniel 2:43. It's also very probable that the one that is described as the small horn making war against Yahweh's saints, will be racially mixed also. The very end part of the second Roman Empire is represented by the toes on the feet of Daniel's statue; Daniel 2:42-44.

With all the evil in the world it's important for us to keep in mind that Father Yahweh is greater than all 1 John 5:4!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Revisiting Spiritual Israel

It's a widely held Christian belief that all people who just love God and accept Christ into their hearts automatically become Spiritual Israel. Of course when you ask any Judeo-Christian that actually teaches this, where in the Bible does it say that if anyone at all accepts Christ into their heart they become Spiritual Israel, or where is there an example of Christ walking around asking random people  to accept him into their heart for them to become spiritual Israel, they usually give you the deer in the headlight stare and do not have a remote idea on where to begin to support such an idea.

I am revisiting the topic of Spiritual Israel today, because I have talked to a lot of people lately that are just parroting the lies told in the Judeo-Churches. They claim true Biblical Israel has ceased to exist and now God has a Spiritual Israel. They teach that anyone who accepts Christ automatically become some sort of Spiritual Israel. Anyone that is familiar with my blog will know that I believe that the actual literal physical Israelites of the Bible still exist and are with us today. They are found in the kindred people bordering the North shore of the Mediterranean Sea, Northward including into the fertile valleys of Europe and other places on the planet. I have posted about Spiritual Israel  a couple of years ago, but believe I need to talk about it again. 

In the spirit of fairness, I am going to try to help the ones that teach Spiritual Israel. I am going to try to present the case that most Judeo-Christian churches would give for this premise if they had an idea of where to start looking. If I forget anything, or misrepresent anything, then I want to have people correct me in the comment section. I am open to correction. I am not open to verbal abuse.

The verses that should be used by those who parrot the Spiritual Israel doctrine should include the following:

And he said unto them, go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.
Mark 16:15
People who promote the doctrine of Spiritual Israel believe that because this verse says "every creature" then it's telling us that everyone can become Israel that can stand up on two legs and repeat the sinners prayer.
This verse is really explaining that if an Israelite is without Christ then they are only another creature in the eyes of God. If they become a new creation in the eyes of the Father then all things become new and they literally become kings and priests taking their proper place in an awaiting world, waiting for the laws of God to set them free. See the parable of the lost son in Luke 15:11-32.

If you actually believe that the Messiah actually meant for his Apostles to literally preach to every creature in creation that can stand up and walk around on two legs, then obviously that would include primates. The picture to the left is of a gorilla named Koko. Koko learned to sign almost 1,200 words, which is about 1,000 more than kids do under Common Core in public schools  today. If you were to take Mark 16:15 literally then you should teach Koko the sinners prayer and then Koko will become saved from hell, right? I read in an article online that Koko once told its handlers, that the sink in the house where Koko lived was torn off the wall and thrown through a plate glass window by a 3 week old kitten. If this gorilla can sin by coming up with a story to blame a kitten for its actions, then it will undoubtedly be able to understand the concept of going to heaven, or burning in hell forever, right? OK, so now who's going to be the first to step forward and become a gorilla missionary?

Continuing on a little more serious note...
One law shall be to him that is home born, and unto the stranger that sojourneth among you.
Exodus 12:49
This verse is addressed to Israel only. There is no place in this passage to indicate that it is addressed to Non-Israelites. It's telling Israel that anyone who lives among them are to follow the same laws of Yahweh. This law does not allow for foreigners to commit capital crimes and then be deported under diplomatic immunity. In God's Kingdom and under God's laws diplomats that commit capital crimes will get deported alright, but not in the way they hope.

But he is a Jew (Judaite), which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
Romans 2:29
The word Jew was never used in the 1611 King James Bible. If you look in an original copy of the 1611 King James Bible you will not find the word “Jew.” It did not exist before 1800 A.D. And it wasn't until the mid 1800's (about the same time that John Darby created the rapture doctrine) when bibles were being mass produced, then we started to see it. This word has been added into revised versions of the King James Bible over time. I will give you one guess who owned the publishing houses in the 1800's and now. Hint: it's the same answer to both questions. This verse is not telling us that if you feel like a Judaite then you are one, but rather, this verse is telling us that you need to have a true heart for God and it is not just enough to be born into the tribe of Judah or any other Israelite tribe.

...There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female: for ye are all one in Christ Jesus...
Galations 3:28
For as the body is one, and hath many members, and all the members of that one body, being many, are one body; so also is Christ. For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit.
1 Corinthians 12:12-13
The two verses above are commonly used an attempt to show that it doesn't matter if you are a Jew (Judaite) or non-Judaite. Judeo-Christians that promote the “Spiritual Israel” concept are trying to tell you that anyone can become God's chosen even if your a Non-Judaite (Greek or Gentile). Read these verses carefully, it talks about Judaites or Greeks, bond or free. If you read the verses closely then you will realize that the Judaites, Greeks, Bonded, and Free are all the same people. Let me explain a little better. The Southern house of Judah was bonded under the laws of Yahweh. However, the divorced Northern house of Israel was free from the law because of their unwillingness to follow God's laws. In other words: Judah= Bonded, divorced Israel= free.

I say then, Have they stumbled that they should fall? God forbid: but rather through their fall salvation is come unto the Gentiles, for to provoke them to jealousy.
Romans 11:11
The word Gentile as explained, means “nations” as I have explained before in other posts. The word Gentile was never, ever, translated to mean a non-Jew (Non-Judaite). So salvation did come to the “Nations” that were composed of Israelites that were from the divorced Northern house, and remember that Abraham was promised a multitude of nations would come through him, to Issac, and eventually through Jacob.

...and thou, being a wild olive tree, wert grafted in among them, and with them partakest of the root and fatness of the olive tree,
Romans 11:17
This verse is often used to show that Father Yahweh in his mercy grafted non-Israelites into the olive tree which represents Israel. There is one fact that we should keep in mind, and that is: only an olive tree branch can be grafted into an olive tree. It is impossible to graft an olive branch onto any other type of tree, this is why the Bible specifically picked an olive tree and not an apple tree for example. So, it's the same family from which the olive branch came. This is best explained in verse 24 of the same Chapter which says: For if thou were cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature, and wert grafted contrary to nature into a good olive tree; how much more shall these which be the natural branches, be grafted into their own olive tree? These branches were grafted into the exact same tree from which they came according to verse 24!

Not as though the word of God hath taken none effect. For they are not all Israel, which are of Israel.
Romans 9:6
With this verse the attempt is to show that Israel can consist of others that are not Israel. The real meaning of this verse is that it eliminates non-believing Israelites as being Israelites. Being born as an Israelite is not the only requirement to be Israel. The word Israel means to rule with God or to rule under God's law. Obviously anyone born of Israel that doesn't follow the Father's laws in their own personal life will never, ever, ever rule cities or nations under Yahweh's laws. See Parable of the Pounds; Luke 19:11-27.

Therefore say I unto you, taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.
Matthew 21:43
This verse talks about the parable of the Husbandmen that rejected the laws of Yahweh. As a result this destroyed his Kingdom here on earth. The Kingdom was given to the Northern house of Israel and as a result his kingdom has been, and still is, being destroyed through gradualism. Eventually the Messiah will return to reestablish his Stone Kingdom himself and rule over it personally, as we are proving daily that we are not able to do it ourselves. When he reestablishes this kingdom he will rule with a rod of iron. What a glorious day that will be when finally the world will be free!

Praise the Lord!

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Daniel Chapter 7

As many know the First 6 Chapters of Daniel are historical in nature, and the remaining 8 chapters deal with prophecy. We also know that the book of Daniel is not in chronological order. Daniel Chapter 7 opens by discussing Balshazzar and we know that he was killed in Chapter 5 when the Medes and Persians attacked Babylon. If it was in true chronological order, than Daniels vision of the 4 beasts (Chapter 7) would have been placed between Chapters 4 and 5. The individual Commentaries that I have looked at refer to this chapter as “The time of the Gentiles.”

Although I do agree that it should be called the time of the gentiles, I do not agree on the premise of which this phrase is coined. The word Gentile is a word that most people mistakenly seem to think means “Non-Jew.” Of course when I use the word "Jew" in this case, I am talking about someone from the tribe of Judah. I usually refer to people from the tribe of Judah as Judaites to keep it simple and people will know what my definition of the word is. So for the record, I am not talking about a person that practices the Anti-Christ religion of Talmudism, which includes Ashkenazi Jews that compromise over 90% of those who call themselves Jews today, they are Khazars, and are not Israelites.

Before continuing, I must explain the origin of these gentile nations mentioned in Daniel 7. I may loose a few people on this explanation but, think it's necessary, so here goes.

Daniel's vision of the 4 beasts coming out of the sea are believed by most theologians to be the same nations that the metals in the statue of Daniel Chapter 2 represented, and I agree. It's also my belief that these 4 nations are composed of Israelite/Hebrew/Adamites, or fair skinned people, from which formed the nucleus of the Israelite Nation.

The first nation in this vision is Babel/Babylon founded by Nebuchadnezzar. Of course, if I am correct, than that would mean that Nebuchadnezzar is a blood relative of Abraham, and at the very least is an Adamite. 
Remember, Abraham was called out of Ur of the Chaldees. This is the exact same place where Nimrod (Great Grand son of Noah), attempted to build the tower of Babel. This is also the exact geographic location where the nation of Babylon was established by Nebuchadnezzar. In fact, Babylon had a building called “Tower of Babel” that was built inside of Babylon city proper during Daniel's time. If you read the Bible, then you will realize this area is where Abraham, Issac, and Jacob went to to get their wives and bring them back to Canaan Land. Although their wives may have not be Israelites, they were fair skinned people. We also know Israel used the patriarchal system, in other words if your father is an Israelite then you are an Israelite. This is the opposite of what the Jews do because they use the Matriarchal system. Yes, it's true there were other fair skinned people on earth when Abraham received his blessing.

There's ample evidence that the Persians, Greeks, and Romans were fair skinned people. For the sake of brevity I will not go into it here. If you want more information than a good book to start with is called “Tracing Our White Ancestors.” by: Frederick Haberman available from Artisan Publishers. These nations that succeed another were brought about by Abraham's descendants because they are God's Battle Ax, and it can be proven throughout history as being undefeated in war; Jeremiah 51: 20-26, and Isaiah 54:17.

So Yes, Daniel 7 is time of the Gentiles by definition, but not for the reason of being Non-Jews. Let's take a look at the definition of the word Gentile.

The statement and list below is copied from the Kingdom Bible Studies course that is free on this site by clicking on link for this course in the right hand column of this site, or you can go directly to the page I am talking about by clicking HERE. 

In the Old Testament the word Gentile is translated from one Hebrew word that is rendered into English in five different ways. The Hebrew word goy or goyim (plural), #1471 in Strong's Concordance, is found in the Old Testament 557 times. The different English renderings of this Hebrew word, and the number of times it appears, is illustrated by the diagram...”

Strong's Concordance
557 times translated to:
Nation(s) 373 times
Heathen 142 times
Gentiles 30 times
People 11 times
Another 1 time
Non-Jew zero, notta, zilch, not even one single time. 

Errors in translating the word Gentile are obvious in the King James Version. In the proper context of Daniel Chapter 7. It should be obvious that the proper word that should have been used to describe the word Goy/Goyim is Nations.

In a nutshell...
The entire Bible is written by Israelites, to Israelites, and about Israelites. This fact can be found in any book of the Bible, for example in Genesis 5:1 it's the book of Adam. The book of Exodus is about Israel in slavery in Egypt. Leviticus of course is to Israel only, Psalms was written mostly by King David who was also fair skinned according to 1 Samuel 17:42. In the New Testament, on numerous occasions, the Messiah told the Apostles to only go to the divorced lost sheep of the house of Israel only Matt 10:6, the Messiah during his ministry also referred to the Canaanites (Non-Israelites), as dogs; Matt 15:24-27, not flattering but true never the less. This Covenant with the Israelites in Jeremiah 31:31 was continued in Hebrews 8:8, Romans 9:3-4, and other verses. I could list hundreds of verses, but if these few do not spike your curiosity to research it on your own and come up with your own conclusion, then a list of thousands will not suffice either.

As we progress through Daniel, I pray all keep in mind that the Bible is about Israel, and the Messiah came to redeem his lost sheep. Praise the Lord!