Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Saved by Grace?

It has been told to me many times in my life that we are saved by grace and we are no longer under the law. 

The verses that the people who proclaim this are:
Matthew 11:13 “For all the prophets and the law prophesied until John”, and the first half of Luke 16:16 “The law and the prophets were until John...” It all sounds good until you get to the second half of verse 16 and 17 where it says “since that time the kingdom of God is preached, and every man presseth into it. And it is easier for heaven and earth to pass, than one tittle of the law to fail.”

Taking a first look at this verse it would seem as if the law was put away and then it says that that no part of the law will change, not even one tittle. Prior to the arrival of Yashua Messiah the law was practiced in recognition that there would be a coming Messiah who would redeem Israel from their sins. Then John the Baptist came declaring the Kingdom of God was at hand (Matt 3:1-3). Some read these verses and in some way cannot understand that we are in God's Kingdom right now.

All Kingdoms have law and order that the citizens are expected to follow. This is no different with Yah's kingdom. It was written by the Prophet Isaiah in chapter 9 verses 6 and 7 that the most high will come to earth and establish his earthly kingdom. He paid the price for Israel to be redeemed from their sins, and he is our kinsman redeemer for all time.

He is our Kinsman redeemer, and we are not able to redeem ourselves no matter how good we try to be, how much money we give to people who pretend to know all the answers, nor if we do good works. We cannot do it by ourselves in any capacity at all. During our redeemers ministry he stated, and made it clear, that he came not to destroy the law, but to fulfill it (Matt 5:17).

So anyone that teaches that the law has been done away with has not read the scriptures. It is true that the messiah did save us by grace, (as we cannot redeem ourselves and are undeserving) but this does not give us the go ahead to break his laws and commandments in any manner we see fit. Any time his law is broken after we have been redeemed we are then putting the chains of sin on once again. When we come to the Messiah and confess our sins, we can once again both have fellowship with him and his grace makes us clean. 

One closing point I want to make to anyone that reads the bible and still does not believe they are to live under the laws of God is that if the law has been done away with, then it would be impossible for anyone to sin because

Sin is the transgression of the law, and I mean Yahweh's law not Man's law (1 John 3:4).

I pray all of Israel will hear the call of Yahweh (John 6:44) and be redeemed by our Messiah!

Sunday, July 28, 2013

An Objective Look at Noah's Flood

In the last post I have posted about Noah's flood from a biblical perspective and now I just want to make a quick post from an objective point of view. Many denominations believe that the flood was a global flood and of course that defies the laws of physics, nature, and every other law in between. When people interpret the bible in such a way it actually drives people away from Christianity.
There are books that shed light on the issue in an objective manner that are well written. It is not my intention to reinvent the wheel, but rather to hopefully bring enough interest for others to do a little research for themselves. There is so much information, I could probably have a blog devoted just to Noah's Flood, but I just want to bring attention to some of the major issues.

The churches that teach of a global flood ask you to believe the following unrealistic claims:
That God had created more water than originally existed then after the Flood made most of it disappear.
To flood the earth the flood would have to be the height of Mount Everest which is a little over 29,000 feet, which would require 726 ft. of rain per day every day for 40 days.
That other races of man were brought on the Ark, or that all races evolved out of one family.
I can assure you that if any pure blooded Israelite woman is giving birth to Black and Asian babies there is something going on which is outside of Yahweh's law. Remember that Noah was pure in his generations and that is the reason why he was spared to begin with (Gen 6:9).
That all the species of life had been gathered from every corner of the globe and then somehow redistributed to their original location and habitat.
All animals cannot live in the same environment of being on the Ark. Some need the Arctic cold while others would need the heat of hot places such as Africa just to survive.
That all species of life, in groups of two or seven, and all their required food for a year, easily fit within the limited space of the Ark.
In the book "Biblical Antiquities book 1 pg.85" by E Raymond Capt states just one simple problem regarding just the wolves on the Ark. "For example, one sheep would be sufficient meat for two wolves for three days. This works out at 122 sheep for the year in the ark. Keep in mind, these sheep have to be fed during the entire year. Just the grass or fodder to sustain the sheep would take up considerable space."
Now can you just imagine the problems with the other animals?
That all types of marine life could have survived the fresh waters of the flood rains. 
That all strata and sedimentary formations were formed rapidly within less than a year instead of millions of years.
Some believe there is geological evidence of a worldwide flood. The bible in Genesis chapter 1 tells us the world was originally flooded before Father Yahweh created dry land and mountains.
That the great mountain ranges did not exist 5000 years ago but had undergone uplifting or creation by the Flood. 
We  know that the uplifting and forming of dry land began in Genesis chapter 1.
That the "antediluvian geography" which existed prior to the Flood was radically different from the geographical layout that exists today. 
That natural and geological processes did not always occur at a uniform and predictable rate.
 Above list from the book "Facts and Fictions Regarding Noah's Flood" by Charles A. Weisman p.43, Explanations are my own.

The bible can be explained as a scientific book if we keep it in proper perspective and not put any interpretations into it that are unwarranted.

Praise the Lord!

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Was Noah's Flood Global?

I am starting out this post today with a famous quote from Mark Twain.
"In religion and politics people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue but have taken them at second-hand from other non-examiners, whose opinions about them were not worth a brass farthing."

The entire purpose of starting the post with this quote is to demonstrate the mindset that most people have when you confront them with facts about the bible and they totally dismiss what you say only because they have never heard the truth before. Most people believe that they know everything they need to know about Noah's flood, and will dismiss bible verses demonstrating that it was not global just because it does not line up with their preconceived notions that they have heard from others. This is especially true when you present evidence to show that Europeans are the descendants of the Israelites of the bible.

It is not my intention to recap the entire story of Noah's flood in this one post, but to only show the fallacy in the belief that the flood was a global event. I am only going to talk about it from a biblical point of view and may write another post from a practical point of view in the future.

One of the reasons why it is imperative to understand the flood and its magnitude is because churches are closing from the preaching that comes from behind the pulpit. Most cannot relate to such rhetoric and look at the bible as being a lot of fairy tales that have no importance in the "real world." I myself know of two churches that have closed locally in the last year because of this. I want to add that I have stated many times before online and off that I believe that both science and the bible are correct when the bible is correctly interpreted.

Misinterpretation of words.
The word earth comes from the Hebrew word "Ehrets" Strong's #776. There is no differentiation in the word earth for the amount of earth spoken of. For example, "Ehrets" can mean the entire planet, it can mean a local area like a countryside,or it can mean a real small piece of ground such as a 4'x4' plot of land. This in itself is a major error to automatically interpret this word as planet if this word is not put in proper perspective.

Another phrase mistakenly interpreted is the phrase "under the whole heaven" of Genesis 7:19 this may sound like a global flood, but in the bible this phrase often has been used to mean only a small part of the earth such as Deuteronomy 2:25. Probably the translator would have cause less confusion if he would have worded it to mean the water was as far as the eye could see in any direction.

Other than chasing down meanings of words are there any verses to support the idea that the flood was not global? Of course there is.
In chapters 10 and 11 of the Farrar Fenton bible gives the history of Noah's sons. Verse 5 of Chapter 10 tells of where they went after the flood. "From these they spread themselves over the sea-coasts of the countries of the nations, each with their language amongst the gentile nations."  and again in verses 31 and 32. "These are the sons of Shem, by their tribes and by their languages in their countries among the heathen. The above were the families of the sons of Noah, and their descendants, by tribes. From them they spread themselves amongst the nations on the earth after the Flood."

The location and purpose of the flood.
When Adam and Eve were expelled from the Garden of Eden according to Genesis 3:24 they were driven out of the garden to the East, which was the area where Noah was living. It is mentioned in Genesis that Eden was east of the Euphrates river, this is all fine and dandy except the Euphrates river was named after the original Euphrates river which today we call the Jaxartes river and is east of the Aral Sea in Asia North of India. Click Here for a better explanation if needed.

If Noah's flood was local then there would have to be a way of containing the flood like a bathtub for example, otherwise it would simply spill over and the flood would be a very large puddle. The area east of the Jaxartes river is called called Eastern Turkistan. Within this area is an area called the Tarim Basin. This area is landlocked and given a major flood water would not allow water to escape. This is no small area, as it is approximately 1000 miles long and 350 miles wide, so an Ark was definitely needed. The reason the Father had Noah build the ark was two fold, first because it was an act of faith, and second because the flood created an ecological barren area that needed to be replenished with animal life. Any Naysayers that think the Caucasian Adamites were never in Asia I would recommend the book "The Tarim Mummies." All mummified bodies recovered from that area were Caucasian Adamites.

Praise the Lord for his unchanging word!


Sunday, July 21, 2013

The days of Noah Genesis 6:5-8

The bible sets the stage in Genesis 6:5-8 for the upcoming event which we all know as Noah's Flood.
This event is not just a trivial item of information, but rather is a landmark for other passages of the bible, indicating a sign for the future event of the return of the Messiah, the redeemer of Israel.

Specifically I am talking about Matthew 24:37-39 and Luke 17:26-27 for example. We are to be prepared for this sign by Matthew 24:44. These verses talk about how the events of the world will be quite similar to the events prior to Noah's Flood and for us to prepare. So it's kind of important to try to understand the events best to our ability.

The details of the events in Genesis 6 can not be described as anything more than brief. When details are missing there are other venues to investigate such as history itself and other books that are associated with the bible such as the books of Jasher and the book of Enoch which by the way do not in anyway contradict the bible.

The most important thing that we must realize from the days prior to the flood is that evil was abounding on earth to such a degree that as far as the Father goes it “grieved him at his heart” Gen 6:6.
This evil was directly brought upon the earth by the fallen angels, which we call demons and the children of demons which we call the Giants of Old. Although they had demonic control of basically all the planet I believe they were more concentrated in the Eastern area of where the garden of Eden was, and where the flood occurred. Some of the verses that talk of Demonic forces still in control our planet to this day are: Ephesians 2:2; John 12:31; 2 Corinthians 4:4; Colossians 1:13; and 2 Timothy 2:26.

In Enoch chapter 8 we are told that there were fallen Angels that taught men to make war and other technological signs and wonders, which we would could call "technological science." I do not think that "technological science" was the problem in this case but rather the real problem was that the Adamites did not feel as if they needed the Lord, and they felt as if they were God's themselves when they understood some basic scientific concepts and had great material wealth as a result of their knowledge. In other words they wanted to have their cake and eat it too, just like today.

In Matt 24 the Messiah tells us that they were eating, drinking, and marrying anyone and everyone as they pleased. Just like today, modern men have the mindset to not only if it feels good then do it, but also let it justify your actions. This can be proven just by the fact that the recent legalization of both Interracial and Sodomite Marriages which are accepted by man, but not by God.

Jasher 4:20
And all men who walked in the ways of the Lord, died in those days, before the Lord brought evil upon man which he had declared, for this was from the Lord, that they should not see the evil which the Lord spoke of concerning the sons of men.

This verse lets us know that there were no other pure blooded Adamites that walked with the Father just prior to the flood. So there were no children of the most high that endured any sort of suffering during this time frame. It was quite simple that The Father did not want them to see nor go through such evil times.

The Lord sent out Noah and Methuselah to preach.
Jasher 5:8 For thus saith the Lord, behold I give you a period of one hundred and twenty years; if you will turn to me and forsake your evil ways, then will I also turn away from the evil which I told you, and it shall not exist, saith the Lord.

The Lord gave the Prophets Noah and Methuselah who were both pure blooded Adamites, a mission to preach the Word of Father Yahweh to all that would listen. All the Adamites would have to do is follow the prophets and he would forgo the evil to be unleashed by the flood, but eventually Methuselah died and Noah was the only pure blooded Adamite left that obeyed Father Yahweh (Gen 6:9). We also know none accepted the message from Noah, as if they did there would have been more than 8 people on the Ark, or maybe 2 or more Arks.

It is very true that the most accurate people preaching the word of God are not popular either then nor now. Any modern churches that have huge congregations, I can promise you they are not preaching the same Gospel as the Messiah (Matthew 10:22).

I praise the Lord for his redeeming power that only to few take serious, and I praise the Lord for his Prophets!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Giants of Genesis 6:1-4

Continuing on with Genesis, today I am looking at the Giants of Genesis 6.

To read this passage without my comments click HERE.

1 And it came to pass, when men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born unto them,

In verse one it shows that the “be fruitful and multiply” of Genesis 1:28 when God told Adam and Eve to replenish (or refill) the earth, was in effect.

2 That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose.

In this verse the “sons of God” are fallen angels. The bible is clear that there are beings that existed and cannot be defined as being human at all. Other verses that mention the “sons of God” are Job 1:6, and Job 38:7. In the book of Enoch it also states that angels, the children of heaven, saw the daughters of men and observed that they were fair, so they married whomsoever they pleased.

3 And the LORD said, My spirit shall not always thrive with man, for that he also is flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.

Interesting enough the amount of years for man was set at 120 years, however it is also recorded in the book of Genesis that Noah lived to be 950 years old according to Genesis 9:29.

4There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

Then the giants forced themselves on the daughters of men. Who were these giants? According to Strong's Concordance the word giant can mean bully, tyrant, or a very large person #5303-5307, root word “naphal”. If the word giant means large person of old, like they lived a long time ago, then there would be some archaeological evidence to support such a claim. I believe there is evidence to support this idea.
In the days of ancient times it wasn't uncommon to find dragon flies with 5' wingspans. In fact there are many animals today that had ancestors that were huge in comparison to today's varieties. So it is my opinion that the giants were actually large people. Most will not agree because if giants really existed, then it goes against both the theory of evolution and the Judeo-Christian version of creation.

Going on the idea that giant means "giant" explains different things that are difficult to explain, for example how they moved the giant blocks of Baalbek that weigh up to 1,200 tons. Blocks this large cannot be moved with today's technology because there is not a machine in existence that can lift it. However, if one imagines very large giants moving the blocks, then it puts it in proper perspective.

I have said before on this blog that it is my belief that Adam was not the first man on earth, because of this it is entirely conceivable that men of old were much larger than us and fit in well with the environment of ancient times. Physical evidence abounds on every major continent of the earth that giants lived here before us.

This is a giant footprint in South Africa. It measures 4' long and notice where the man has his hand, this is 
from when the giant lifted his foot up and created that little shelf looking thing with his toes.

Many photos are on the internet of giant human skeletons that have been found. It is probable that some of them have been photo shopped, so I will not post them here. I am however convinced that some of them are authentic. The stories of the people who claim to have seen them before the Government takes them away never to be seen again, have a consistent theme. they had two rows of teeth and six fingers. 

This is a video of a speaker making a convincing case for the existence of giants. The last few minutes of the video is silent, but very good otherwise.

Praise the Lord!

Justice in America

In a general way I would like to steer clear from commentary in regards to politics. However, lately the Justice system in this country is not operating the way it should. With the comments made both by the President Obama and Eric Holder in regards to the George Zimmerman case it would make one wonder if true justice is possible in this country at all. It would seem that they are looking for a reason, any reason at all to railroad Zimmerman into jail. Although he is half Jewish and half Hispanic the Media has made him out to be a white man.
For the record it is my belief that the White Western European Man is the direct descendant of the Israelites of the bible, so an attack on a man who the media calls white shows they would do the same thing to a White Israelite man with out reservation.

Just in this one case alone shows there is no true Justice in the land after the fact that Zimmerman had a fair trial, and was found innocent in the court room. However Politicians are on his heels looking to put him away on a trumped up charge of some sort. Zimmerman put his faith in the Justice system and he was very lucky it worked for him. However between the threats from his government and from others against him and his family shows there is no Justice in America for white Israelites outside the court room nor in a court room realistically.

So what is the answer to this, how can an Israelite protect himself if he has to defend himself from a minority attacker that is on drugs like Trayvon Martin? Would the answer be to not report it and if you have to then maybe not talk to the people that are in the system that are looking to just throw innocent white people in jail? I am not a lawyer nor a policeman so I cannot give legal advice on what to do. However, there is a couple of videos that I know of that is made by a lawyer and a policeman that tell you what not to do.

This is a video of a lawyer giving legal advice.

This is a video of a policeman giving legal advice.

Have a great day everyone and keep Father Yahweh first in all  you do!

Friday, July 12, 2013

Recent find in Palestine

A recent archaeological find in Jerusalem has revealed the top of a jar that has Hebrew writing on it. This jar fragment came from the area of the Temple Mount and is dated from the time of David and Solomon around 1000 B.C.
To see the original article click HERE

Although some may think that finding this jar fragment is not a great deal, the most important part of this find is in the fact that it is written in ancient Hebrew and not the phoney modern Block Hebrew that is really only Yiddish. Yiddish is the language that is currently spoken in Palestine.

All the letters on this fragment are consonants m,q,p,h,n, and l with no vowels. This is because ancient Hebrews did not have vowels in their written language. So this fragment can never be read without knowing the correct context it was written in. For example, one word I happen to know of off the top of my head in Hebrew for the word covenant is “Berith.” With the vowels being absent, the word covenant as in covenant people would be represented with the consonants of B-R-T. Any colonies that the Hebrews found used these letters often. For example BRiTain (Briton or Brittania) founded by BruTus the survivor of Troy in 1103 B.C., which had the Hebrew B-R-T in his name. Even coins from Carthage in Northern Africa have the letters B-R-T stamped on them. These three letters were used in all the colonies that were found by Phoenician Hebrews.

Anyway continuing on...
The differences between ancient Hebrew and Yiddish are many, just to name a few:

Hebrew was the language of the ancient Israelites, Yiddish is the language of the Khazar's (which are not Hebrews). Khazar's adopted the religion of Talmudic Judaism in the 8th century A.D and are not originally from Palestine.

Hebrew is read left to right, Yiddish is read right to left.

Hebrew is more picturesque than Yiddish similar to the hieroglyphics of Egypt, Yiddish characters are shaped like blocks, this is where the word Block Hebrew comes from.

None of the above examples are even remotely close to block Hebrew.

Hebrew is the language that English came from, Yiddish is the language that came from ancient German.

One fact I should mention is to find the place of the original origin for a language in relationship with Palestine one easy way to know is to draw an invisible line through Palestine from North to South. Then any language that reads left to right came from the West of Palestine, any language that reads right to left originated from the East of Palestine.

Praise the Lord for the ongoing archaeological witness to his word!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Descendents of Adam/Bible Code from Genesis 5

The descendents of Adam are different from the descendents of Cain because Cain was not from Adam, which can easily be proven by this chapter. Nor will you read in the bible anywhere that Cain came from Adam, as he came from the Devil, as stated in 1 John 3:12.

Not as Cain who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous.”

The blood line of Adam is mentioned from Genesis 4:25-5:32. Although it's important to know who is from who to keep the blood line pure from Adam to Yashua Messiah (Jesus), this passage is also important because it's the first place in the bible, in code, promises a future Messiah to free the descendants of Adam from their sins. Each of the names in Genesis 5 have meaning and are listed in a sequential order. This is called the bible code of Genesis chapter 5. The meaning of the names of Adams descendents are as follows:

Adam=Ruddy Man, Seth=Appointed, Enosh=Mortal, Cainan=Sorrow, Mahalalel=The Blessed God, Jared=Shall Come Down, Enoch=Teaching, Methuselah=His Death Shall Bring, Lamech=The Despairing, Noah=Comfort or (Rest).

Putting the meanings of the names in the same sequential order as translated from Hebrew to English in Genesis 5 we can make the following choppy sentence.

Ruddy man appointed mortal sorrow the blessed God shall come down teaching his death shall bring the despairing comfort or (Rest).

Putting it in a properly translated English format, it reads:
Ruddy Man (has) appointed mortal sorrow; (but) The blessed God shall come down teaching, (and) his death shall bring the despairing comfort.

Praise the Lord for his promises he has both made and kept!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sodomites Attack Preacher

A recent Seattle "Gay Pride" event turned violent when Sodomites attacked Preachers, one carring a sign saying that "Jesus saves from sin". Oddly enough it looks like it was to much for them which carried out this hate crime. For years Sodomites have been talking the tolerance message, however it looks like they only want to be tolerated and they do not want to tolerate anyone else's opinion.

Click HERE to see the article.

The article goes on to state church buildings have also come under attack by vandalism by Sodomites. I will let the Mystery Men explain this for you. For those who persist with their ungodly intolerant lifestyle.

Praise the Lord both for his word and for those who will share it with those who need it!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Descendants of Cain Genesis 4:16-26

This particular passage of the bible shows the descendants of Cain. 

Verse 16 of Genesis 4 verifies that Cain as well as Adam and Eve were in the presence of the lord before he departed Eden. This is important to know because in verse 17 it mentions that Cain had a wife. Some may ask where did Cain get his wife?

Most Judeo-Christians today will tell you that Cain had a sister in which he took as a wife. Of course it's not true that Cain took his sister as a wife. There were other people on the planet before Adam and Eve were made by Father Yahweh 6,000 years ago, there is no other way to interpret the bible without immediately coming up with a lot of dead ends and inconsistencies. I covered the creation of Adam in another post.

Assuming that Cain did have a sister she would have not gone with him on her own, because she was in the presence of the Lord as stated in verse 16. It's mind boggling that any woman would want to leave the Lord and go with a murderer under those conditions, and there were plenty of other women on the planet at that time for Cain to mix his seed with. Another point is that in verse 16 it says "Cain" only and not his wife left the presence of the Lord. His wife is not mentioned until he gets to the land of Nod in verse 17.

It's important to know the people who are descendants of Cain are called Canaanites, some may argue that when Noah's flood came it destroyed everyone on earth including the Canaanites. This is not true either, I will cover the flood of Noah in another post, but the most important thing for others to remember is that the Canaanites still exist today, and if it were not the case then there would be absolutely no purpose for Moses to have written down the Genealogy of Cain in the bible.

In verses 17-22 the names listed are similar to the names of Adam's descendants which starts in verse 25. The main thing to keep in mind is that the names of the Canaanites are similar to the names of the descendants of Adam, for example Enoch in verse 17 is not the same Enoch from Adam that is in Gen 5:24 who did not die (Hebrews 11:5).

By Cain being born first he should have the birthright and Able should not. However, he did commit murder and was banished. It is my belief that the Canaanites were and still are trying to get the birthright away from Adams Descendants by imitating them by name, and still do today. Another example from the Old Testament is when Esau married two Hittite women (which are a Canaanite tribe) lost his birthright, and the Edomites that came from Esau are still trying to usurp the authority of those who are the correct descendants of the birthright from Abraham (Israelite Christians).

May the Lord protect his people, the Israelite Christians worldwide!

Friday, July 5, 2013

2000th View of this Blog

We have recently hit 2000 views. On March 22nd we had the 1000th view.  I started the blog on Nov 22nd making roughly 4 months to have the fist thousand views. From March 22nd to now is roughly a little over 3 months. So it would seem that interest has picked up on the blog. It may sound like I am going for the numbers, but I can assure you that is not the case. If that were the case this would be a Catholic blog or some other popular faith. I myself prefer to stay as close to the truth as I humanly possibly can.
Without a doubt I have had more traffic outside of Connecticut or New England than within, so I know someone at least is reading it. Blogger gives me the ability to see what countries the views are coming from and the pageviews looks like this:
United States
United Kingdom
 Since the last 1000th view I have added a free bible study course, and am offering another of Sheldon Emry's book called "Russia will Invade America" both of which can be found in the column to the right.
I also am writing prisoners as part of this ministry and am willing to let them post on the blog if they feel they are led to. I pray that the small interest that is generated in the site may continue and all glory be given to the Father. Praise the Lord!

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Recent find in Palestine.

A mosaic of Sampson came the surface last month after being buried underground for many years. This mosaic is not just any picture, but is of Sampson found in Judges 15. It was unearthed by the University of North Carolina in Jerusalem, and is dated from the 5th Century A.D.. This was found in a Synagogue which at that time the land was called Judea, and the land of Judea was occupied by a racially mixed multitude calling themselves Judeans. This renaming of the land of Judah had nothing to do with the Judahites that were carried off.

Click HERE to see the original link.

This is kind of complicated and I know of no other way to show my point, so bare with me.

For those who have never read the history, in 586 B.C. the Judahites were taken away into captivity, 70 years later only 36,000 return from Babylon to Judea which was then occupied by foreigners, and once the Judahites returned to Judea they promptly started race mixing (Ezra 8,9 and Nehamiah 13).
In about 450 B.C. many Persians became Jews and started practicing the religion of Talmudism, according to Esther 8:17 they too occupied parts of Palestine.
In 125 B.C. John Hyrcanus a Maccabean (which practiced talmudism as we would know it today), conquered the Edomite nation and absorbed them into the Judean empire, thus diluting the blood line of the original Judahite Israelites even further. So in fact only a few if any true Judahites actually existed in Judea at that time, and virtually none exist today in Palestine. However, by the grace of God he has let artifacts such as this stand through time giving a witness unto his glory.

The only reason I mention the faulty blood line of Judah is so that others will see that it may not be a rare thing that the Jews of the 5th Century actually had a Old Testament bible story in their Synagogue but they were actually impostors usurping the authority of the bible and the true servants of Yahweh, read what Yashua Messiah told them in John 8:44, and about these phoney Judahites (Judahite is the correct translational word, not Jew) in Revelation 2:9 and 3:9

 Remember this is after a time when they Jews killed Stephen and many of the Apostles!

Praise the Lord for his enduring truth!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Why do Christians Pray in Public?

In this post I probably shouldn't even have to address this issue, because Christians should know that there individual life belongs to Father Yahweh, and they should follow his word with all their might. In many churches I have attended here in New England there is a trend by clergy to lead people in prayer before every event. This I have seen in both the churches and in public places before they eat. In other words when they have an audience.

All should agree despite denominational differences that being a Christian means that we are to emulate the life of the Messiah in our daily walk. When he (the Messiah) walked the earth he both talked about and set examples on how to pray and when to pray. Which brings me to the point I am going to make and that is there are no examples in the bible at all of which the Messiah led people in prayer or prayed publicly.
Any time the Messiah prayed he went off by himself and had one on one private communication with the Father.
In fact, the bible tells us not to make our prayers public as it is our personal communication with God.

Another way of looking at this is if I were to ask you to bow your head in prayer, then I started praying then who is praying? Are you? Of course not, only the one that is praying, is the one that is actually praying.

Not only is public praying unbiblical but most times public praying is ineffective by taking your attention away from Father Yahweh. For example, I have attended Wednesday night prayer meetings locally only to find out that it was mostly a distraction. Let me explain, most prayer meetings start out with a discussion on who they are going to pray for. This creates a list of many different topics to address which is fine and dandy, however, after they make their list they start at one end of the room then the first person prays for all the items on the list, then the second person prays for anything he or she missed, and so on. If you happen to be at the end of the line when others have prayed all the items on the list, you find yourself praying that the sun comes up tomorrow and thanking the Lord for air. Although the sun and air are important, I can really pray better than this on my own. There is however, one church in Rhode Island that I know of that makes a prayer list, then everyone breaks off and prays on their own. So there is at least one church that encourages individual prayer.

I have looked at every verse in my concordance to see what the bible says about prayer. I will not list every single verse, as most have a concordance in the back of their bible and can look them up themselves, however, I do want to share a couple of verses that I feel sums it up well.

Matthew 6:5-6
And when thou prayest thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are; for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut they door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

I believe some may look at this post and claim that praying in private is figurative and not literal. The question I have for anyone that may believe this way is, if it's figurative then what are we to do with the above verses? Feel free to leave an explanation in the comments box if you have an idea.

It is my belief many that attend the modern Jewish Christian churches (Judeo-Christian) do not pray. Instead they sit idly by while someone else does the praying. They are totally dependent on the Minister or a Layman praying for them. I also believe that they see their ministers talking to the Father all the time and because of this they believe that they are one step below God. For those who believe this, I tell you today that we all come to God on the same level, and no person is greater than another.
I can promise you there is no place in the bible that says anyone falls under the umbrella of their ministers faith and prayers to get them into the Fathers Kingdom.
The most important thing I want others to take away from this is when others are praying, you are not praying!

One may ask when is a good time to pray?
The answer is quite simple, the bible tells you in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to pray without ceasing, so any time is a good time to talk to your creator, his hours are 24/7.
So next time you pray, pray by yourself, don't bow your head and look into the dirt, but rather lift your eyes to your Father which is in Heaven who has sacrificed all for you, and give him thanks for everything!